Multi-Admin Access With a Shared Database PDQ Deploy is the assistance you always wanted! Wouldn't it be nice to glance at the inbox on your phone and see that deployment or schedule was successful? You won't even have to put down that drink or game controller. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

When a new version of an application is released, PDQ updates and tests them and makes them available as soon as possible. We maintain a library of over 175 ready-to-deploy popular applications so you don't have to. PDQ also has many resources for PowerShell, too. Execute from a file, or write them on the fly. Isn't it time for that much-needed vacation? Rest assured your patch updates are going out even when you are not in the office. Never miss a critical patch again! Common applications (including Windows Monthly rollups) can download automatically and deploy on your schedule or even when offline targets come online when integrated with PDQ Inventory. Instructions and files are sent to the target computer, executed, monitored, and reported. Deployments can install, uninstall, execute scripts, reboot, copy files, sleep, send messages, etc. msi) to multiple Windows PCs simultaneously. Silently deploy almost any Windows patch or application (.exe. PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without leaving your chair or bothering end users.

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